So I am playing on the computer and Maiah wakes up, finds a bag of Cheetos and proceeds to eat them for breakfast. What did I do? Not a thing!
How funny it is to reminisce about the days when I was pregnant and swore I would feed my kid nothing but organic and healthy foods. Nothing but veggies and lean meats and smart snacks.
All that went out the window when the kid was refusing to eat every single food item I placed in front of her! I even got a book on how to hide healthy veggies in kid friendly foods. The problem is that she won't even eat that!
So I've been reduced to giving her condiments. I am not joking. She eats Ketchup for dinner a good 2 nights a week. When I make a salad, she demands a salad of her own. She sucks the lettuce dry of the ranch dressing then spits them out. She spits everything out! Disgusting! And I was only worried about poopy diapers and vomit, now spitting out chewed up food???
Once she actually ate pickle juice and ketchup for lunch at Denny's.
I have been reduced to giving her a scoop of carnation instant breakfast in her milk all day long!
So the list of what she will actually eat: Hot dogs, string cheese, macaroni and cheese, Ketchup, ranch, cheetos, pirate booty, chips, COOKIES, chocolate, ice cream, candy, and pretzels.
C'mon ladies, dish about what you put on your kids dish!