If money were no issue, baby-sitters no issue & you had the entire day all about YOU, what would be the absolute Perfect Mother's Day?
Hi Moms! Think of this as the perfect place to vent & share those everyday mommy feelings, frustrations & joys of motherhood! Feel safe & secure while venting as this is desgined to be for care & support for moms from every background, race, class & relgion. Feel free to lend a hand to a mom in need, who knows, you could make a difference in someones life!
Absolute Perfect Mother's Day?? That's quite a hard question. Let me explain - I just started to write how about it would be wonderful to have a whinge free day where C didn't act like a teenager dosed up on caffine, and where T and R didn't attempt to gouge each other's eyes out when the reality of this just hit me. Beware, I'm going deep here.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up, I think it's safe to say that most people just take for granted the dream that they will get the career they want,find the partner of their dreams, buy the perfect house complete with the white picket fence, and then the magic of having their own children. It's a lovely dream and for many, I'm sure it must be amazing but unfortunatley, for many the gift of a child just does not happen.
So I think mother's day is a day to take the time to be grateful for the fact you are a mother. Give thanks for the annoying habits our children have and appreciate the imperfections and most of all cherish all our memories whether they be good or bad because if we weren't as lucky as we are, we wouldn't have any of these memories at all. I'm not saying that we must never complain about motherhood, lets face it - its really hard sometimes - all I'm saying is that amidst the chaos of homelife and screaming toddlers, let's just also take the time to realise just how lucky we are because after all, a child is a gift and not a god given right.
So my perfect Mother's day - well, that's easy - it's just another day in my life - surrounded by my fighting twins, a hormonal pre-teen and an over-worked hubby who needs the help from his black berry just to go and pee :D
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU FABULOUS MAMMA'S and love to all would be Mamma's too.x
Wow!! You are soooo right! It's so easy to take for granted what we have even though there are plenty of days I need a stiff drink! The good totally outways the bad days & I am soooo grateful for my family & everything they teach me. Nicely put my dear! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteWhile I totally agree with you all... Yes, I love my baby girl. Being a mom is the greatest decision I have ever made...
ReplyDeleteMOMMY WANTS A VACATION! Or at least convince my kid to do something cool for me. which means this all falls on my hubbys head cause my kid is only 2! :)
Even if that vacations means sending mommy to a day spa, or even a road trip to the beach. I can even handle my brat tagging along. :) I just want some mild adventure in my life.
Muah! Happy moms day to all you sexy ladies! :)
LOl! God, you took the words right out of my mouth!