Enjoy these fun Mommy Facts!
82.5 million of moms in the U.S. - 2 Billion moms throughout the world.
4.3 Babies born each second!
82% of women aged 40-44 years old who are mothers. In 1976, 90% of women in that age group were mothers.
25 is the average age of new moms.
In 1970 it was 21.40% of all births are the mother's first.
4.0 Million is the number of women who have babies each year. Of this number, about 425,000 are teens aged 15-19, and more than 100,000 are age 40 or over.
35,000 births are attended by physicians, midwives or others that do not occur in hospitals.
2 is the average number of children that women today can expect to have in their lifetime.
3 is the average number of children that women in Utah and Alaska can expect to have in their lifetime.
Only about 10% of women have four or more children today.
In 1976, 36% of women had four or more children.
1 in 5 preschoolers are cared for in a day-care center while their mother works.
August is the most popular Birth Month.
Tuesday is the most popular day of the week in which to have a baby.
The odds of a woman delivering twins is 1-in-32.
10 Million is the number of single mothers living with children under 18 years old. This number is up from 3 million in 1970.
105 Boys are born for every 100 Girls.
Women average 2.2 hrs / day on chores, vs. 1.3 hrs / day for men.
88% of Laundry is done by moms, totaling 330 loads of laundry and 5,300 articles of clothing each year.
The least favorite chore for moms is vacuuming the stairs.
A baby has 7,300 diaper changes by it's 2nd birthday.
Moms take 2 minutes, 5 seconds to change a diaper vs. 1 minute, 36 seconds for dads. For moms, this adds up to 3, 40-hour work weeks each year - just changing diapers!
Preschoolers require mom's attention once every 4 minutes or 210 times a day.
A preschooler's mom spends 2.7 hrs / day on primary childcare, vs 1.2 hours for dad.
Mommy Records:
Mrs. Vassilyev of Russia gave birth to 69 children between 1725 and 1766.
Rosanna Dalla Corte gave birth to a baby boy when she was 63 years old in Italy in 1994.
Signora Carmelina Fedele gave birth to a 22 lb 8 ox boy in Italy in 1955.
Mother's Day Facts:
Mother's Day is the third largest card sending occasion.
Moher's Day was made a National Holiday in 1914 by President Wilson. It was started in 1908.
68% of people plan to call Mom on Mother's Day, totaling 122.5 million phone calls making it the busiest phone day of the year.
50% of households give Mother's Day cards which equals 152 million cards.
Mother's Day will generate $5 Billion dollars in revenue from greeting-card publishers.
Facts provided by: www.happyworker.com and the U.S. Census Bureau
Surprising Numbers:
82.5 million of moms in the U.S. - 2 Billion moms throughout the world.
4.3 Babies born each second!
82% of women aged 40-44 years old who are mothers. In 1976, 90% of women in that age group were mothers.
25 is the average age of new moms.
In 1970 it was 21.40% of all births are the mother's first.
4.0 Million is the number of women who have babies each year. Of this number, about 425,000 are teens aged 15-19, and more than 100,000 are age 40 or over.
35,000 births are attended by physicians, midwives or others that do not occur in hospitals.
2 is the average number of children that women today can expect to have in their lifetime.
3 is the average number of children that women in Utah and Alaska can expect to have in their lifetime.
Only about 10% of women have four or more children today.
In 1976, 36% of women had four or more children.
1 in 5 preschoolers are cared for in a day-care center while their mother works.
August is the most popular Birth Month.
Tuesday is the most popular day of the week in which to have a baby.
The odds of a woman delivering twins is 1-in-32.
10 Million is the number of single mothers living with children under 18 years old. This number is up from 3 million in 1970.
105 Boys are born for every 100 Girls.
Mommy Chore Facts:
Women average 2.2 hrs / day on chores, vs. 1.3 hrs / day for men.
88% of Laundry is done by moms, totaling 330 loads of laundry and 5,300 articles of clothing each year.
The least favorite chore for moms is vacuuming the stairs.
A baby has 7,300 diaper changes by it's 2nd birthday.
Moms take 2 minutes, 5 seconds to change a diaper vs. 1 minute, 36 seconds for dads. For moms, this adds up to 3, 40-hour work weeks each year - just changing diapers!
Preschoolers require mom's attention once every 4 minutes or 210 times a day.
A preschooler's mom spends 2.7 hrs / day on primary childcare, vs 1.2 hours for dad.
Mommy Records:
Mrs. Vassilyev of Russia gave birth to 69 children between 1725 and 1766.
Rosanna Dalla Corte gave birth to a baby boy when she was 63 years old in Italy in 1994.
Signora Carmelina Fedele gave birth to a 22 lb 8 ox boy in Italy in 1955.
Mother's Day Facts:
Mother's Day is the third largest card sending occasion.
Moher's Day was made a National Holiday in 1914 by President Wilson. It was started in 1908.
68% of people plan to call Mom on Mother's Day, totaling 122.5 million phone calls making it the busiest phone day of the year.
50% of households give Mother's Day cards which equals 152 million cards.
Mother's Day will generate $5 Billion dollars in revenue from greeting-card publishers.
Facts provided by: www.happyworker.com and the U.S. Census Bureau
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